Petit déjeuner. En-cas. Déjeuner. Goûter. Apéritif. Dîner. Breakfast. Elevenses. Lunch. Afternoon Snack. Cocktail. Dinner. Six paintings for each pocketed moment scattered throughout the day. Featuring the Grimm Sisters. Le Festin (Feast) is a series of paintings born from a beautiful bond forged between me and two kindred souls from thousands of miles away. Mutual admiration for our art and our minds led us to an online correspondence as pen pals. Maïté, the passionate and vivacious, and Jessica, the wiser and ruminative. My first auspicious meeting with the Grimm Sisters, who hailed from Nancy, France happened one cold winter day in an antique department store in the heart of London in 2022. An instant friendship was formed, and we continue to create true moments together despite the time and distance that only attempt to keep us apart.